Friday, August 31, 2007

Loooooong absence!

Well, after a long absence, here I am again!

I dunno, maybe I just don't have anything to say, or, more likely, I'm just too lazy! Anyway, I've finished Samantha, a gorgeous sweater I was honored to test-knit. Lovely design by a very talented clickstick-er! Now to find someone that wants it so I can give it to them!

Anyway, I'm knitting madly (one Lady of the Lake, two imogen AND two bags to be felted) because I leave for the US in ONE WEEK! (Yes, I know, I'm shouting, but I'm happy!)

Had a lovely visit with a childhood friend - her father is a missionary dentist, still here after 40+ years, and she came out to visit him with her grandson. So we had a great time visiting the umbrella factory in Chiang Mai:

I can't wait to see my parents again! Yay!

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mrs. Darcy finished! buttons, buttons, buttons

Well, after a lot of fiddling with the sleeves (my fault, trying to do them top down in one piece) I finally finished! Now for the button hunt. I confess. I am NOT a button person! So when I went to the sewing/craft supply area in Bangkok to look for some, I knew I was in for a hard time ...

See what I mean?
And that isn't even a quarter of the buttons! There were plastic buttons, metal buttons, wooden buttons, buttons made from coconut shells, from bamboo, from shells, from bone ... I mean !!!!!

SO. I ended up using some old buttons in my sewing stuff at home. Not exciting, but I figured when niece Mandy gets the sweater, we can change the buttons to something SHE wants!

Now on to finishing the NEXT project ... Samantha!

Friday, June 22, 2007

Still hanging in there

I joined a knit-along for a really cute sweater called Mrs. Darcy by the clever designer. Decided to use some very old (20+ years) chenille-like stuff in my stash. Needed to be wound. Now, I inherited a knitting machine, very old, and with all the stuff that was included there was a winder - a real serendipitous WOW! So I decided to use it for the first time. No problems with the first three skeins. The third ... somehow, it was all twisted and I spent four hours trying to get it unscrambled before finally giving up and cutting it - twice. But I didn't give up!

Now most of that yarn is in a beautiful emerald green sweater - just the sleeves left to do. I did the sweater in one piece and now I'm dithering over doing the sleeves from the top down or separately and then *ugh* sew them in...

Got a co-worker to try it on for a picture - I just wish the color came out green instead of blue!

**Home project: started a new lap robe for a dear friend - using yarn brought over by another dear friend! How wonderful is that! It is a variegated pink.

**Bus/boat project: Started another Moebius yesterday, this one with a pattern and in a lighter colored yarn (again from my VERY large stash) so the pattern can be seen better. Interesting work, to say the least!

Now for the weekend ... and so much busyness that I doubt I'll get much knitting done!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Knitting saves the day!

I guess I was so shocked at starting a blog that I never came back!

I live in Bangkok. Anyone who has ever been here knows that means I spend a lot of time commuting. For years I just read or sat/stood there. Then I got an idea: KNIT! Ah, yes! A good place to knit! Air conditioned! So I hauled out my needles, got my stash out of the top cupboards and artistically placed the boxes around the living room, encouraged my college age niece to order knitted items from me and I was set!

Since then, I started knitting at work ... I have down time quite frequently in the afternoon, and started knitting at home. So, typically, I have three projects going: one for the bus/boat commute, one for work, and one at home. The home one will be the big one, not portable (such as afghans), the work one a more intricate pattern and the bus one more of a mindless pattern.

With three hour traffic jams not uncommon, believe me, knitting on the bus saves my sanity! (Also helps my husband's since he doesn't have to listen to me complain on my cell!). And I become very productive!