I dunno, maybe I just don't have anything to say, or, more likely, I'm just too lazy! Anyway, I've finished Samantha, a gorgeous sweater I was honored to test-knit. Lovely design by a very talented clickstick-er! Now to find someone that wants it so I can give it to them!
Anyway, I'm knitting madly (one Lady of the Lake, two imogen AND two bags to be felted) because I leave for the US in ONE WEEK! (Yes, I know, I'm shouting, but I'm happy!)
Had a lovely visit with a childhood friend - her father is a missionary dentist, still here after 40+ years, and she came out to visit him with her grandson. So we had a great time visiting the umbrella factory in Chiang Mai:
I can't wait to see my parents again! Yay!